Welcome to OMAEC's official web site

World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education

OMAEC appreciates the selfless work

OMAEC appreciates the selfless work

Thanks to the selfless work of many committed people, organizations like OMAEC can move forward; these are people who work “from the shadows” and who do extraordinary work.

The three official languages of the OMAEC are French, Spanish and English, so most of the documents, and especially the contents of this website, are published in the three official languages.

Paul Pied
Paul Pied

how do we prepare news and documents?

The Chairman, Mr. José Antonio Cecilia, carries out an initial translation from Spanish to English and French; the Secretary General, Mr. José Ramón Batiste, coordinates the translation for our volunteers Mr. PAUL PIED (France) and Mr. VLADIMIR GOMEZ (Venezuela); finally, the Secretary General proceeds to incorporate the news or document into the OMAEC website, accompanied by photographs, logos, etc.

Foto Carnet[2]
Vladimir Gomez

our sincere gratitude

To Mr. PAUL PIED for his impeccable work of revision in French; precision and efficiency. He lives in Paris (France) and is an alumnus of the Jesuit Fathers.

TO Mr. VLADIMIR GOMEZ, for his commitment and testimony, collaborating in the revision of texts in English, despite the serious situation in Venezuela. He lives in Puerto Cabello (Venezuela) and is an alumnus of La Salle.

