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World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education


On March 6th, 2021, the General Assembly of UNAEC America took place online with the attendance of the majority of its members, as follows: Catholic Alumni Confederation of Peru, Mexican Federation of Catholic Schools Alumni -FEDECMEX-, and the National Confederation of Catholic Education from Argentina -CONFAEC-, the Paraguayan Confederation of Catholic Schools Alumni Associations -CONPAEEC- did not attend the meeting.   The meeting was also attended by the OMAEC correspondents from Venezuela, Panama, Bolivia, Brazil and Costa Rica; additionally, the Assembly have as special guest, our current OMAEC President, Alfonso Giraldo Saavedra.

It should be noted that UNAEC America was constituted in October 2017 during the XV OMAEC World Congress- Rome

Captura de pantalla 2021-03-11 a la(s) 3.30.04 p. m.The main purpose for the General Assembly was the election of the next president of the Union, in view of the resignation of Alfonso Giraldo in December 2020, after being elected as the new president of the OMAEC for the period 2021 – 2024, being in charge Alejandro Galvan, with his corresponding clarification that it was temporarily, until the next General Assembly elect a new president.

With the main idea to give vitality and energy, as well as dynamism to the Union, Alejandro Galvan presented to the Assembly the proposal to modify the statutes, even temporarily, so that the OMAEC correspondents would not only have a voice (current statutes), but also a vote in the General Assemblies with immediate effect, taking into account the sovereign nature of the Assembly, which was approved after a fruitful and thoughtful discussion of all the attendance members.

Finally, the sole candidacy of Evangelina Garcia for the presidency of UNAEC America was presented, since according to the information provided by Alejandro Galvan, after the call for candidatures, no other candidacy was presented within the time limit.  Evangelina addressed the participants with some emotional words about what would be the direction of her administration and her contributions to the future of UNAEC.

158128857_110085627808506_315047421937715487_nEvangelina Garcia’s candidacy was welcomed and her appointment as President of UNAEC America was approved by the three attending member, as well as by the OMAEC correspondents who, using their newly acquired right to vote, expressed their confidence in Evangelina.

Evangelina Garcia Richard is married, with two children and two grandchildren; she is a teacher; member of the Board of Directors of CONFAEEC (Argentinean Confederation of Former Students of Catholic Education); animator of the Santa Fe branch of CONFAEEC; secretary of the Association of Former Students of Calvary College, Santa Fe, Argentina; Member of the Spirituality Group Calvary Family; President of the NGO Conscience Santa Fe, which aims to work on the civic values of young people in the last year of secondary school or high school in schools of all kinds, being a non-partisan organization.

The UNAEC America Executive Board was constituted as follows:

President: Evangelina Garcia (Argentina)

Vice-president: Alejandro Galvan (Mexico)

Secretary: Adolf Sobrevilla (Peru)

Assistant Secretary: Santiago Durini (Argentina)

Treasurer: Daniel Langlois (Costa Rica)

Treasurer: Luis Wong (Panama)

Members: Confaeec – Conpaeec – Fedecmex

Our best wishes to Evangelina Garcia in her administration, we are sure that she will strengthen and make UNAEC America and its members grow.

