Welcome to OMAEC's official web site

World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education


The director of PROYDE, Angel Diaz, and the Chairman of OMAEC (World Organization of Alumni of Catholic Education), Jose Antonio Cecilia, have signed a partnership agreement to extend between associations that are part of the organization favorable flow awareness of fair trade and responsible consumption.
PROYDE is an NGO in Spain the Institute of the Brothers of La Salle
Both PROYDE & OMAEC and we are convinced that “Fair Trade is an alternative support system and conventional negotiation, which continues the development of peoples and the fight against poverty.” “The old Catholic education must be sensitive and be aware that changing consumption habits, promoting fair trade and responsible consumption is a way to improve the world for the most disadvantaged. ”
This agreement prevents conduct awareness campaigns to promote the consumption of fair trade products for both people that you belong to various associations that are part of the Organization and by the same entities in institutional actions.
We appreciate the efforts of José Ramón Baptiste, Secretary General of OMAEC and Vocal the Board of PROYDE, and José Antonio Cecilia, Chairman of OMAEC for the Executive Committee of the Organization, to take commitment to achieving this collaboration agreement.PROYDE_OMAEC

