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World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education

PERU CONFEDERATION – constitution meeting

I am particularly pleased to inform you about the meeting held on 18 May 2018 at the Consortium of Catholic Educational Centres’ headquarter in Lima, Peru.

Nine (9) alumni representatives from different schools such as: Marists, Marianists, Saint Anne, Mercedarias, Augustinians and Salesians, as well as the Immaculate Conception (absent in the meeting) attended to the meeting.

We also had the invaluable presence of Father Alfonso Francia SDB, who is our ecclesiastical advisor.maxresdefault

There were presented to all the attendance the letter of greeting and the document of OMAEC 2018 as well as were explained the meeting scope, there was agreed to create an Organizing Board in order to organize a new Peruvian Confederation of Former Students of Catholic Education, to revise the statutes and to make a new registration to the respective authorities, after call again the former students and to elect the corresponding board of directors within one month as deadline.

The Organizing Board is made up of Diego La Rosa Jaimez, President of the Federation of former students of the Marist school (which brings together 12 schools nationwide); Adolf Sobrevilla Guzman, President of the Association of former students of the Santa Maria school; and Lucia Diaz, former student of the Mary Help school.

OMAEC fully supports this initiative and congratulates Ms. LucíaDíaz for her coordination and commitment.

