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World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education

P.Edward Fasset, S.J – XV OMAEC Congress

XV OMAEC Congress – Rome
Conference of P.Edward Fasset, S.J, Secretary for Collaboration – Curia Generalizia della Compagnia di Gesùunder the theme: – “BEYOND THE SCHOOL “: Alumni, mission space.

“…But what about those parts of the world that are hostile to Christianity … or perhaps might even be post-Christian.Jesuita y pte OMAEC  The desired outcome of a classic humanistic education is to develop a good citizen who will contribute to the common good, regardless of that person’s faith.  The early Jesuits combined the elements of humanistic education with the elements of scholastic education, demanding the excellence of the latter and at the same time esteeming the former … acknowledging the potential of poetry, oratory, and drama to elicit and foster noble sentiments and ideals, especially in younger children; they believed in the potential of a humanistic education to foster pietas, that is, good character.  These values are still important today and our schools still strive to develop good character even in places where we cannot directly teach our Catholic tradition…”

(read full conference)

