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World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education

My Thoughts after Covid-19

We must reflect on our origins and our future, we cannot close ourselves off from this terrible evil that torments us, we are confused because we are living in a situation that is unprecedented in our generation. We come from a crisis of the person, a crisis of truth. We simply ask ourselves what has produced the confinement within us?

If we have learned nothing during this time, we will not be able to contribute anything to society. If the goal is to live as we did a few months ago, we will not have learned anything, it certainly will not change our way of life.

Have we learned any lessons or is this just transitory?

The times that are coming are complicated because we are facing a change of era that suggests a new humanism. A humanization that makes us leave behind the globalization of indifference and “attack with force” the reconstruction of society.

An insignificant virus, it brings us closer to God and we ask ourselves where I come from or where I am going. We all need each other in order to get out of this situation with solidarity and with a marked incitement to overcome, united in the “enterprise” that belongs to all.

I’ve seen my limitations since a virus made me stay home. On the other hand, the nearness of death that seemed so far away, yet when so many people have died, makes me think that death is near and part of our lives. I believe that we are obliged to change the hierarchy of values, we have to appreciate more what we used to value less and despise what we used to value more, the importance of our loved ones and the importance of religious values, to value the illusion of living as corresponds to each one of us with our limits and to live after the illness. The taste of coming out after the disease will be bitter, it will be dramatic for many.  It is obvious that we are going to experience an unprecedented economic and social crisis, but fundamentally we are going to experience a collapse of our model of society, western society is going to need a deep change.

There are risks and challenges, collective and individual, so we must turn risks into challenges and the first one must be that nothing has changed in our conscience. We must be the same people as before, without transformation, we must be ourselves. Another risk will be the possible chaos and disorder or the possible polarization, the risk of collectivism. There is a crisis in the value of freedom, but the first is the inability to change a personal attitude to a situation with these characteristics.

It only remains for me to encourage the overcoming of each one and collectively, to reach all that we have developed within ourselves in this time of virus.

In this scheme, which I include, I show how there are goals that should be prioritized and that lead us to improve the change of era mentioned. From these three pillars of society, it is possible to build something more in line with the people and add to each of them the rest of the goals generated by life and the humanization of society. Let us put aside relativism and indifference and make a possible dream come true.

It is convenient to use the communication between all with wisdom: social networks, forums, conferences with dialogue between the participants and the speakers, to look for and achieve a work system, which defines the common agreement without a trace of cheap politics.


José Antonio Cecilia


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