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World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education

Meeting in Toledo (Spain) FAFCE-CONCAPA and OMAEC

The last March 13, took place in Toledo the meeting between FAFCE (Federation des Associations Familiales Catholiques en Europe), CONCAPA (Confederation of Catholic Fathers of Students) and OMAEC.

Attending to the meeting: FAFCE’s President -M. Antoine Renard– and their -Secretary General -M. Nicola Speranza-, President of CONCAPA –Pedro Caballero– and President of OMAEC –José Antonio Cecilia.

Following CONCAPA intention regarding their access to Europe through the support of OMAEC, the directors of FAFCE came to Toledo, to offer their support to this incorporation that can promote to know the important declarations in the environment of the Catholic family, in international organizations for this purpose.

The FAFCE representatives invited the attendees to the next European meeting of this forum, which will take place in Vienna, Austria, during April 2018.

