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World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education

AMASC – World Association of Sacred Heart Alumni

XVI World Congress

From 22 to 26 February 2018, in Mérida – Yucatán (Mexico), the XVI World Congress of AMASC took place with a large international participation of former students of the Sacred Heart.

Since the end of the mandate of the Presidency and the World Council began in 2014, it will be completed in the autumn of 2018, so it was voted that the General Assembly for the election of the new mandate (2018 – 2022) would be held in JOIGNY (France), near the “Centre Sainte Madeleine Sophie Barat”, birthplace of the Foundress of the Religious of the Sacred Heart, from 1 to 5 October 2018.

Participants: The outgoing President and Council, the National Presidents, and the new candidates.


Election results:

1) World President Dott. Paola del Prete del Vaglio, Italian, former pupil of the Sacred Heart of Naples (Italy); during the last two mandates the World Council “Responsible for Europe” and even now, president of UNIEASC (Unione Nazionale Italiana Ex-Alunne Sagrado Corazón), position that she will pass to a new President elected at the next National Congress of UNIEASC that will take place in Naples from 26 to 28 October 2018.

2) Elections of the members of the new World Council.

