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World Organization of Former Students of Catholic Education

Constitutive General Assembly UNAEC AMERICA

Constitutive General Assembly of UNAEC America, founded in Rome on October 24, 2017 within the XV Congress of the OMAEC, was held in Bogota, Colombia, from August 27 to 29, 2018.

There were attending Mr. Alejandro Galván Llanes for FEDECMEX, Mr. Luis Wong, OMAEC correspondent in Panama, Mrs. Nelida Mariani, President of CONFAEEC-Argentina, Mr. Alfonso Giraldo Saavedra, OMAEC correspondent for Colombia and Mrs. Evangelina García, Vice-Chairwoman of OMAEC.cultural

In a pleasant atmosphere with a Christian and hopeful spirit, Mr. Alfonso Giraldo Saavedra was unanimously elected president of UNAEC America.

Correspondents from Chile and Costa Rica, Mr. Fernando Roa and Mr. Daniel Langlois voted trough Skype.

After revision of each article was, there was approved UNAEC by-laws.

A new period strongly commence in America in order to join the Alumni/ae of Catholic education.

